

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I finally visited Turkey in March 2010 after so many years of planning and undecisiveness, since there was always some place else better to go! Taking into consideration that not many of my friends are able to accord the same amount of time and/or budget for the trip that I had in mind!

To blog my entire trip in just one posting would be virtually impossible. The country was simply amazing, and one really has to experience it first-hand to thoroughly appreciate all its wonders and splendours.

After 4 months now, the top 5 things that I can simply recall from the top of my head:-
1. Apple Tea
You really can't miss it. It's served everywhere, from the most expensive restaurants to the roadside stores. The locals drink it really really really sweet, and the first time I drank it, I literally gagged. The secret is (if you forget to tell them not to add sugar), is simply to Not Stir, and pray and hope that the sugar will melt at a slower pace than you can drink.
2. Indian Food
Yes, Indian Food. Firstly, I've never really been a huge fan of kebabs. We found this little Indian restaurant tucked away somewhere near to the Ayasofya in Istanbul. They served one of the better Mango Lhassi I've ever tasted, and their food was simply oh-so-heavenly tender and yummy!

The fish here is also generally very fresh, especially along its coastal areas. I can still smell the freshly grilled fish......
3. Cappadocia
I simply LUUUUUURVE this region and it's wild moon-like landscapes (well, I haven't actually been to the moon to really make an objective comparison....). Everything about this place gives off a very mysterious feel, and as we visited during off-season and we were literally the only people there, there was a very surreal feel to the whole place.

4. Friendly locals
They all look like Thugs or worse, but are actually the friendliest and most helpful people that I have come across in my travels. Most of them went out of their way to assist us, especially in the bus stations where there was not a single English sign (well, most of the country does not have English signs) and there weren't many English-speaking people around. Mostly, we will just shout out the name of our destination, and the rest was communicated via sign language.

5. Oh!-So-Good-Looking Guys!
Yes, they were Everywhere! It did not help that it was still winter and they were all walking around in long overcoats and/or jackets, looking like Keanu Reeves in Matrix. Personally, I don't really like Keanu Reeves very much, but you get the picture.

More posts to follow with picture, if I'm hardworking enough, and I remember that I have a blog!

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