

Friday, March 4, 2011

Vienna Sights - Kunthistorisches Museum

Vienna is actually a very walkable city, with most of its major sights within reach of each other. All one would really require is a good pair of walking shoes. Well, if even I can manage it, I think everyone else would have no trouble!

The first majot sight we visited was the Kunthistorisches Museum, part of the Museumquartier complex. First impression - Huge. First thought - No way I'm going to explore every inch of this place!

If our first sighting of it already took our breath away, we were astounded when we rounded the corner and came upon the central courtyard of sorts. The Kunthistoriches was paralel facing another similar sized building (I have forgotten its name now) and smack right in the middle between them was a giant-sized statue of Marie Therese.

Some of the items on display inside the museum.

Huge marble sculpture of 'Theseus Defeats The Centaur' greeting visitors at the top of the marble stairs
Mummy sarcophagi in the Egyptian Wing
Ancient Egyptian jewelry
Greek relief in the Greek Wing

After leaving the Museum, we came across a huge statue of Goethe on the streets.

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